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sphinx-book-theme-based Template for Scientific Text

You can write your content in Markdown or reStructuredtext. I recommend Markdown.

Getting started

Install sphinx-book-theme

Create a Python virtual environment to not influence your standard Python development environment:

virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install sphinx-book-theme myst-parser

Sphinx uses reStructuredtext as default. Using myst_parser we can also use Markdown.

Cloning the template

First fork this project using the fork button on the top right. Then clone your project.

Creating html

cd sphinx-book-template
SPHINXBUILD=~/venv/bin/sphinx-build make html

You can view the output using your browser, e.g.:

xdg-open _build/html

Deployment on World Wide Web (WWW)


You can copy the folder html on a web server.

If you are using a server which serves the $HOME/public_html to the web, then make sure that the web server has access to this folder. In the following example we are using a server called

mkdir public_html  # This folder will be shared

We have to give other users (your group & others) the permission to public_html by giving listing access to your home folder. But other users could now could read the files by guessing their filename, so we have to remove the read permission and execute/enter-directory permission for other users:

chmod go-rx --recursive ~  # Remove rx from other users from all files/folders
chmod go+x ~  # Add (listing the files is forbidden, because `r` is missing)
# and with the exception of public_html
chmod go+rx public_html

If you already have other files and folders in public_html, then make them readable by other users:

# Give others the permission to read all the files
find ~/public_html -type f -exec chmod go+r {} +
# Give others the permission to enter and list the directories
find ~/public_html -type d -exec chmod go+rx {} +


This template includes a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) configuration (.gitlab-ci.yml) for Gitlab which copies the html files to a server whenever you push a new commit. To use it, you need to have an SSH access to a web server.

Three steps:

  1. Setting up the values for the variables in .gitlab-ci.yml
  2. Modifying .gitlab-ci.yml according to your username and the deployment folder on the web server
  3. Activating a runner in Settings - CI/CD - Runners. A shared runner may be available.
  4. Check the status of the runner on the main page of your repository. If successful, you should see the result on the web address, e.g.,

The explanation for the first steps follows:

Setting up the values for the variables in .gitlab-ci.yml

First store your SSH private key ($SSH_PRIVATE_KEY) and the SSH public key of the SSH server ($SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS) in the CI/CD variables. You find a tutorial here: Add a CI/CD variable to a project. You do not have to activate Protected nor Masked.

What do I store in SSH_PRIVATE_KEY?

You find your private key in $HOME/.ssh. You can create new keys using ssh-keygen. The public keys have the extension *.pub. The extensionless files contain your private keys, e.g., $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa:


What do I store in SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS?

This is the key that you accept when you first connect to an SSH server. You can find the public keys of the SSH servers that you have connected to under $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts. Alternatively use ssh-keyscan SERVER_ADDRESS.

For example a SSH public key of is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPYxtnUvjyLdIDkzs4GEzv6KnSN88uPQCC3H/IcuEToe

Giving access to an SSH key

Finally we have to give an SSH key access to our account. To give access append the public key to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the web server. For example:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOBL7HM8eE9jmBm5Yz/sJeStc3mGAJp5R8EvVJ4zb9T9 gaydos@joan

Further docs

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.