@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ We have focused our app on following functions:
#### MyGit Repositories:
We had some problems (merge conflicts) with MyGit and therefore we have unfortunately many repos for the frontend.
- Backend Chat:
- Backend Database:
- Frontend:
-**Backend Chat:**
-**Backend Database:**
## 3) Final Result
-**Navigation View:**
@@ -54,15 +54,25 @@ We have implemented an calendar for the News & Events view. The main functionali
-**Thabella View:**
For the thabella we have used the "faculty-dots" from the THD website. With these we've linked the every single faculty.

By clicking on one of these dots, you will be navigated to the chosen faculty:
By clicking on one of these dots, you will be navigated to the chosen faculty and you can open the thabella you want.

-**Rooms View:**
Here we have implemented informations for rooms and events which are taking place. The informations for every single room are obtained by an AJAX-Call.

-**Login View:**
We have implemented a Popup for the login which is connected to the database.

-**Chat View:**
-**Responsive Design:**
There is also a simple chat functionality in our app, based on socket.io.

-**Responsive Design:**
Not everything is perfect regarding responsivness yet. There are several pages (i.e. navigation) which doesn't look good on a mobile device. But we tried our best - for example we have two different menus depending on the screen size: Hamburger Menu and as you see in the pictures above the normal navigation bar.

## 4) Configuration and Installation of the project and how to start and use it
## 4) Configuration and Installation of the project