@@ -42,15 +42,21 @@ We had some problems (merge conflicts) with MyGit and therefore we have unfortun
## 3) Final Result
-**Navigation View:**
In the picture below you can see the structure of the navigation site. There is a plan of THD Campus (not fullfilled - there are still missing some buildings and functionalities).
In the picture below you can see the structure of the navigation site. There is a plan of the THD Campus (not fullfilled - there are still missing some buildings and functionalities).

You can click on one of these buildungs and get more detailled informations about the chosen building:

-**News & Events View:**
We have implemented an calendar for the News & Events view. The main functionality is missing due to time issues (we wanted to write the events and news for every single day into the day boxes. The information would've been got through an AJAX-Call).

-**Thabella View:**
For the thabella we have used the "faculty-dots" from the THD website. With these we've linked the every single faculty.

By clicking on one of these dots, you will be navigated to the chosen faculty: