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doctor.txt 11.7 KiB
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initial: How do you do.  Please tell me your problem.
final: Goodbye.  Thank you for talking to me.
quit: bye
quit: goodbye
quit: quit
pre: dont don't
pre: cant can't
pre: wont won't
pre: recollect remember
pre: dreamt dreamed
pre: dreams dream
pre: maybe perhaps
pre: how what
pre: when what
pre: certainly yes
pre: machine computer
pre: computers computer
pre: were was
pre: you're you are
pre: i'm i am
pre: same alike
post: am are
post: your my
post: me you
post: myself yourself
post: yourself myself
post: i you
post: you I
post: my your
post: i'm you are
synon: belief feel think believe wish
synon: family mother mom father dad sister brother wife children child
synon: desire want need
synon: sad unhappy depressed sick
synon: happy elated glad better
synon: cannot can't
synon: everyone everybody nobody noone
synon: be am is are was
key: xnone
  decomp: *
    reasmb: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
    reasmb: Please go on.
    reasmb: What does that suggest to you ?
    reasmb: Do you feel strongly about discussing such things ?
key: sorry
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Please don't apologise.
    reasmb: Apologies are not necessary.
    reasmb: I've told you that apologies are not required.
key: apologise
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto sorry
key: remember 5
  decomp: * i remember *
    reasmb: Do you often think of (2) ?
    reasmb: Does thinking of (2) bring anything else to mind ?
    reasmb: What else do you recollect ?
    reasmb: Why do you recollect (2) just now ?
    reasmb: What in the present situation reminds you of (2) ?
    reasmb: What is the connection between me and (2) ?
  decomp: * do you remember *
    reasmb: Did you think I would forget (2) ?
    reasmb: Why do you think I should recall (2) now ?
    reasmb: What about (2) ?
    reasmb: goto what
    reasmb: You mentioned (2) ?
key: if 3
  decomp: * if *
    reasmb: Do you think its likely that (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you wish that (2) ?
    reasmb: What do you know about (2) ?
    reasmb: Really, if (2) ?
key: dreamed 4
  decomp: * i dreamed *
    reasmb: Really, (2) ?
    reasmb: Have you ever fantasized (2) while you were awake ?
    reasmb: Have you ever dreamed (2) before ?
    reasmb: goto dream
key: dream 3
  decomp: *
    reasmb: What does that dream suggest to you ?
    reasmb: Do you dream often ?
    reasmb: What persons appear in your dreams ?
    reasmb: Do you believe that dreams have something to do with your problems ?
key: perhaps
  decomp: *
    reasmb: You don't seem quite certain.
    reasmb: Why the uncertain tone ?
    reasmb: Can't you be more positive ?
    reasmb: You aren't sure ?
    reasmb: Don't you know ?
key: name 15
  decomp: *
    reasmb: I am not interested in names.
    reasmb: I've told you before, I don't care about names -- please continue.
key: deutsch
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto xforeign
    reasmb: I told you before, I don't understand German.
key: francais
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto xforeign
    reasmb: I told you before, I don't understand French.
key: italiano
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto xforeign
    reasmb: I told you before, I don't understand Italian.
key: espanol
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto xforeign
    reasmb: I told you before, I don't understand Spanish.
key: xforeign
  decomp: *
    reasmb: I speak only English.
key: hello
  decomp: *
    reasmb: How do you do.  Please state your problem.
    reasmb: Hi.  What seems to be your problem ?
key: computer 50
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Do computers worry you ?
    reasmb: Why do you mention computers ?
    reasmb: What do you think machines have to do with your problem ?
    reasmb: Don't you think computers can help people ?
    reasmb: What about machines worrys you ?
    reasmb: What do you think about machines ?
key: am
  decomp: * am i *
    reasmb: Do you believe you are (2) ?
    reasmb: Would you want to be (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you wish I would tell you you are (2) ?
    reasmb: What would it mean if you were (2) ?
    reasmb: goto what
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Why do you say 'am' ?
    reasmb: I don't understand that.
key: are
  decomp: * are you *
    reasmb: Why are you interested in whether I am (2) or not ?
    reasmb: Would you prefer if I weren't (2) ?
    reasmb: Perhaps I am (2) in your fantasies.
    reasmb: Do you sometimes think I am (2) ?
    reasmb: goto what
  decomp: * are *
    reasmb: Did you think they might not be (2) ?
    reasmb: Would you like it if they were not (2) ?
    reasmb: What if they were not (2) ?
    reasmb: Possibly they are (2) .
key: your
  decomp: * your *
    reasmb: Why are you concerned over my (2) ?
    reasmb: What about your own (2) ?
    reasmb: Are you worried about someone else's (2) ?
    reasmb: Really, my (2) ?
key: was 2
  decomp: * was i *
    reasmb: What if you were (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you think you were (2) ?
    reasmb: Were you (2) ?
    reasmb: What would it mean if you were (2) ?
    reasmb: What does (2) suggest to you ?
    reasmb: goto what
  decomp: * i was *
    reasmb: Were you really ?
    reasmb: Why do you tell me you were (2) now ?
    reasmb: Perhaps I already know you were (2) .
  decomp: * was you *
    reasmb: Would you like to believe I was (2) ?
    reasmb: What suggests that I was (2) ?
    reasmb: What do you think ?
    reasmb: Perhaps I was (2) .
    reasmb: What if I had been (2) ?
key: i
  decomp: * i @desire *
    reasmb: What would it mean to you if you got (3) ?
    reasmb: Why do you want (3) ?
    reasmb: Suppose you got (3) soon ?
    reasmb: What if you never got (3) ?
    reasmb: What would getting (3) mean to you ?
    reasmb: What does wanting (3) have to do with this discussion ?
  decomp: * i am * @sad *
    reasmb: I am sorry to hear that you are (3) .
    reasmb: Do you think that coming here will help you not to be (3) ?
    reasmb: I'm sure it's not pleasant to be (3) .
    reasmb: Can you explain what made you (3) ?
  decomp: * i am * @happy *
    reasmb: How have I helped you to be (3) ?
    reasmb: Has your treatment made you (3) ?
    reasmb: What makes you (3) just now ?
    reasmb: Can you explan why you are suddenly (3) ?
  decomp: * i was *
    reasmb: goto was
  decomp: * i @belief * i *
    reasmb: Do you really think so ?
    reasmb: But you are not sure you (3) .
    reasmb: Do you really doubt you (3) ?
  decomp: * i * @belief * you *
    reasmb: goto you
  decomp: * i am *
    reasmb: Is it because you are (2) that you came to me ?
    reasmb: How long have you been (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you believe it is normal to be (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you enjoy being (2) ?
  decomp: * i @cannot *
    reasmb: How do you think that you can't (3) ?
    reasmb: Have you tried ?
    reasmb: Perhaps you could (3) now.
    reasmb: Do you really want to be able to (3) ?
  decomp: * i don't *
    reasmb: Don't you really (2) ?
    reasmb: Why don't you (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you wish to be able to (2) ?
    reasmb: Does that trouble you ?
  decomp: * do i feel *
    reasmb: Tell me more about such feelings.
    reasmb: Do you often feel (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you enjoy feeling (2) ?
    reasmb: Of what does feeling (2) remind you ?
  decomp: * i * you *
    reasmb: Perhaps in your fantasies we (2) each other.
    reasmb: Do you wish to (2) me ?
    reasmb: You seem to need to (2) me.
    reasmb: Do you (2) anyone else ?
  decomp: *
    reasmb: You say (1) ?
    reasmb: Can you elaborate on that ?
    reasmb: Do you say (1) for some special reason ?
    reasmb: That's quite interesting.
key: you
  decomp: * you remind me of *
    reasmb: goto alike
  decomp: * you are *
    reasmb: What makes you think I am (2) ?
    reasmb: Does it please you to believe I am (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you sometimes wish you were (2) ?
    reasmb: Perhaps you would like to be (2) .
  decomp: * you * me *
    reasmb: Why do you think I (2) you ?
    reasmb: You like to think I (2) you -- don't you ?
    reasmb: What makes you think I (2) you ?
    reasmb: Really, I (2) you ?
    reasmb: Do you wish to believe I (2) you ?
    reasmb: Suppose I did (2) you -- what would that mean ?
    reasmb: Does someone else believe I (2) you ?
  decomp: * you *
    reasmb: We were discussing you -- not me.
    reasmb: Oh, I (2) ?
    reasmb: You're not really talking about me -- are you ?
    reasmb: What are your feelings now ?
key: yes
  decomp: *
    reasmb: You seem to be quite positive.
    reasmb: You are sure.
    reasmb: I see.
    reasmb: I understand.
key: no
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Are you saying no just to be negative?
    reasmb: You are being a bit negative.
    reasmb: Why not ?
    reasmb: Why 'no' ?
key: my 2
  decomp: $ * my *
    reasmb: Lets discuss further why your (2) .
    reasmb: Earlier you said your (2) .
    reasmb: But your (2) .
    reasmb: Does that have anything to do with the fact that your (2) ?
  decomp: * my * @family *
    reasmb: Tell me more about your family.
    reasmb: Who else in your family (4) ?
    reasmb: Your (3) ?
    reasmb: What else comes to mind when you think of your (3) ?
  decomp: * my *
    reasmb: Your (2) ?
    reasmb: Why do you say your (2) ?
    reasmb: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you ?
    reasmb: Is it important that your (2) ?
key: can
  decomp: * can you *
    reasmb: You believe I can (2) don't you ?
    reasmb: goto what
    reasmb: You want me to be able to (2) .
    reasmb: Perhaps you would like to be able to (2) yourself.
  decomp: * can i *
    reasmb: Whether or not you can (2) depends on you more than me.
    reasmb: Do you want to be able to (2) ?
    reasmb: Perhaps you don't want to (2) .
    reasmb: goto what
key: what
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Why do you ask ?
    reasmb: Does that question interest you ?
    reasmb: What is it you really wanted to know ?
    reasmb: Are such questions much on your mind ?
    reasmb: What answer would please you most ?
    reasmb: What do you think ?
    reasmb: What comes to mind when you ask that ?
    reasmb: Have you asked such questions before ?
    reasmb: Have you asked anyone else ?
key: because
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Is that the real reason ?
    reasmb: Don't any other reasons come to mind ?
    reasmb: Does that reason seem to explain anything else ?
    reasmb: What other reasons might there be ?
key: why
  decomp: * why don't you *
    reasmb: Do you believe I don't (2) ?
    reasmb: Perhaps I will (2) in good time.
    reasmb: Should you (2) yourself ?
    reasmb: You want me to (2) ?
    reasmb: goto what
  decomp: * why can't i *
    reasmb: Do you think you should be able to (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you want to be able to (2) ?
    reasmb: Do you believe this will help you to (2) ?
    reasmb: Have you any idea why you can't (2) ?
    reasmb: goto what
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto what
key: everyone 2
  decomp: * @everyone *
    reasmb: Realy, (2) ?
    reasmb: Surely not (2) .
    reasmb: Can you think of anyone in particular ?
    reasmb: Who, for example?
    reasmb: Are you thinking of a very special person ?
    reasmb: Who, may I ask ?
    reasmb: Someone special perhaps ?
    reasmb: You have a particular person in mind, don't you ?
    reasmb: Who do you think you're talking about ?
key: everybody 2
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto everyone
key: nobody 2
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto everyone
key: noone 2
  decomp: *
    reasmb: goto everyone
key: always 1
  decomp: *
    reasmb: Can you think of a specific example ?
    reasmb: When ?
    reasmb: What incident are you thinking of ?
    reasmb: Really, always ?
key: alike 10
  decomp: *
    reasmb: In what way ?
    reasmb: What resemblence do you see ?
    reasmb: What does that similarity suggest to you ?
    reasmb: What other connections do you see ?
    reasmb: What do you suppose that resemblence means ?
    reasmb: What is the connection, do you suppose ?
    reasmb: Could here really be some connection ?
    reasmb: How ?
key: like 10
  decomp: * @be * like *
    reasmb: goto alike