How to Run
- Clone the project to a PYNQ-Z2 board
git clone
and run the jupyter notebook and install the git project withpip install git+
to get all the required python packages before running the jupyter notebook. We are usingpynq package version 2.6.0
(that have not been included in the
How to synthesize using Linux terminal
Clone the project
git clone
load vitis file
. /opt/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2020.2/
and runmake clean && make
open the RTL file in vivado and connect the pins as mentioned in the stenganography.pdf (optional: make necessary clock frequency changes ... Click on ZYNQ7 Processing system -> Clock configuration)
(optional load Vivado file) run
Use Test bench files to do the debugging and add changes before synthesizing new overlay.
Use the given Jupyter notebook to test your IP.(NOTE: Speed ups graphs cannot be displayed on Gitlab)