INFO: [Wavedata 42-564] Found protocol instance at /apatb_pixel_top/AESL_inst_pixel//AESL_inst_pixel_activity
INFO: [Wavedata 42-564] Found protocol instance at /apatb_pixel_top/AESL_inst_pixel/grp_pow_generic_double_s_fu_697/grp_pow_generic_double_s_fu_697_activity
Time resolution is 1 ps
open_wave_config pixel_dataflow_ana.wcfg
source pixel.tcl
## log_wave -r /
WARNING: [Simtcl 6-197] One or more HDL objects could not be logged because of object type or size limitations. To see details please rerun the command with -verbose (-v).
## set designtopgroup [add_wave_group "Design Top Signals"]
## set cinoutgroup [add_wave_group "C InOuts" -into $designtopgroup]
## set in_decimal__selector__stream_count__return_group [add_wave_group in_decimal__selector__stream_count__return(axi_slave) -into $cinoutgroup]