1. Clone the project to a PYNQ-Z2 board `git clone https://mygit.th-deg.de/vt16684/embedded-acceleration.git` and run the jupyter notebook **or**
1. install the git project with `pip install git+https://mygit.th-deg.de/vt16684/embedded-acceleration` to get all the required python packages before running the jupyter notebook. We are using `pynq package version 2.6.0`(that have not been included in the setup.py).
1. Clone the project to a PYNQ-Z2 board `git clone https://mygit.th-deg.de/vt16684/embedded-acceleration.git` and run the jupyter notebook and install the git project with `pip install git+https://mygit.th-deg.de/vt16684/embedded-acceleration.git` to get all the required python packages before running the jupyter notebook. We are using `pynq package version 2.6.0`(that have not been included in the setup.py).