apint selector,
apint stream_count,
stream &din,
stream &dout
) {
#pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_ctrl_none port=return
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=in_decimal // ascii values for the characters(word)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=selector // to select the mode (encoding or decoding)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=stream_count // size of data stream
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=din
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=dout
decNum = in_decimal; //getting the ascii values of the word from the register
/*checking if the counter is 8 which means the process reached the 8th bit*/
decNum /= 100; //to delete the processed ascii value and get the next one
charIn=convert(lastDecimalVal); //to find the binary of the next ascii value
addNum=charIn%10; //LSB of charIn
charIn=(int)charIn/10; //deleting lsb and get the next bit(lsb)
//updating the input data according to addNum and lsb of the input data.
//if addNum is equal to 1 and input data is even , 1 will be added to input data which turns to odd
//otherwise no action needed
//if addNum is equal to 0, input data is odd, 1 will be subtracted fro the input data which will turn it to even
//otherwise no action needed
else if( % 2 != 0 && addNum == 0){
decode(; //getting decoded binary value bit by bit for every character
//after processing 8 bits, the ascii value will be returned by the convertBinInt
count_streams = 0;
long long convert(int n) {
This function converts a decimal number to a Binary number and returns it
long long bin = 0;
int rem, i = 1, step = 1;
while (n != 0) {
rem = n % 2;
n /= 2;
bin += rem * i;
i *= 10;
return bin;
void decode(int data) {
get the binary value of the embedded ascii values by combining the LSBs.
int bit;
if(data % 2 == 0){
bit = 0;
}else if(data % 2 != 0){
final_char= final_char*10+bit;
int convertBinInt(long long n) {
This function returns decimal value from a binary number
int dec = 0, i = 7, b=0,rem=0;
while (n != 0) {
rem = n / b;
n =n % b;
dec += rem * pow(2, 7-i);
return dec;
int getDecimal(int n) {
returns the last two digits (which represents one character) of the corresponding ascii values passed to this function.