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Snippets Groups Projects



Main controller of the Robo Quality project. This should controll all the services via the clients of the sumodules. Also all common conversions from ROS2 interfaces to Python and Disk are included.

Example: Workflow

In this example all service nodes are started as echo´s (dummies). The workflow class connects to the standard services and calls them. The main idea is to replaces the service calls with "real" implemenataions / functionalities but keep the client calls for the workflow the same to keep testing and integrating easy independet of the systems.

Start Service nodes

Start the service nodes in a first console.

ros2 launch C:\dev\rq_workflow\launch\

Run script

The following script can be found here. Source ROS 2 in a second console:


Run script / file from the second console:

# Initialize workflow
from rq_controller.rq_workflow import WorkflowNode

workflow = WorkflowNode()

# Aquire some scout views
projection_list = list()
for i in range(5):
    print(f' - At projection {i}')
    scan_pose = PyProjection.dummy()
    scan_pose.focal_spot_mm += i

# Detect errors in scout views 
roi = workflow.defect_detection(projection_list)

# Init traj opt

# Get next scan pose from traj opt
next_scan_pose, finished = workflow.trajectory_update(projection_list[-1])

# Aquire scan pose

# Resconstruct projections
volume = workflow.get_volume(projection_list, roi[0])

Example: Reconstruction

All individual nodes can be used alone and must not be used as the workflow is intended. In the following example the service node are started in the following configuration:

Service Node Mode
rq_reonstruction tigre_service
rq_hardware artist_service
rq_trajectory echo_service
rq_ddetection echo_service

Therefore the following launch script is used:

ros2 launch C:\dev\rq_workflow\launch\

With the following minimal script projcetion get simulated and reconstructed:

from rq_controller.rq_workflow import WorkflowNode

workflow = WorkflowNode()
projection_stack = list()

projection = PyProjection.dummy()
projection.voltage_kv = 200.
projection.current_ua = 10.
projection.detector_heigth_mm = 200.
projection.detector_width_mm = 200.

source = np.array([FOD_MM, 0, 0])
detector = np.array([FOD_MM - FDD_MM, 0, 0])
angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, NUMBER_OF_PROJECTION, endpoint=False)

for i in range(NUMBER_OF_PROJECTION):
    rotation = Rotation.from_euler('Z', angles[i], False)
    scan_pose = projection.look_at(rotation.apply(source), rotation.apply(detector), np.array([0, 0, -1]))

roi = PyRegionOfIntrest(np.zeros((1, 3)), np.ones((1, 3)) * 120., resolution_mm=np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2]))
volume = workflow.get_volume(projection_stack, roi)