Author Name:
Elkadi, Omar.
Matrikel Num :
Proj Name:
DIT Health Observer.
Description of the planed Impelementation of Prof. Garmann requirements:
- the Patient fill a form with his name Matrikel/ID number **adress**,sickness and the expected days of absence, he can also upload a files(sick notes) as a evidence.
- the Backend saves the all patient infos in a MongoDB
- The Frontend can retriev the data of all patients and enabele the user to filter it.
- the Frontend can shows the position of the patients on a map(using OpenStreetMAp API) depends on the Adress which he gives.
- the Frontend get a dynamic data from an API collect the data of a sensor on a room door, which count the number of the atendees.
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint