diff --git a/Project proposal.md b/Project proposal.md
index 5703aeac0b9865dcccfa49c6a3f63d4d9d25645f..730e5b695f0b0ad0f4b4afa770dd5b880a15643e 100644
--- a/Project proposal.md	
+++ b/Project proposal.md	
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Since Intelluctual property theft is becoming a common act in current world scen
-image credits: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_numbering#mediaviewer/File:Least_significant_bit.svg](wikimedia) , [https://technical-foundation.blogspot.com/2017/11/steganography-hide-data-in-images-with.html](technicalfoundation)
+image credits: [wikimedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_numbering#mediaviewer/File:Least_significant_bit.svg) , [technicalfoundation](https://technical-foundation.blogspot.com/2017/11/steganography-hide-data-in-images-with.html)
 ## Implementation Strategy
 In order for both parties to agree on a a secret message , An algorithm must be implemented. This Algorithm accepts the user message and change some pixels values of an Image. Pixel values modification is based on a specific criteria (not decided yet). For example , If the sender wants to send the number "5" as a secret message , The algorithm could change 5 pixel values in the one color image and in the receiver part , the algorithm will calculate the number of modified pixels.