diff --git a/Breath-First Search/breadth_first_search.py b/Breath-First Search/breadth_first_search.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b24cdc96330435486e58fb1aa98e4c5a491e9cf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Breath-First Search/breadth_first_search.py	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import queue
-def BreadthFirstSearch(state, successor, isgoal):
-    """accepts start state, Please do not change this function"""
-    toDo = queue.Queue()
-    toDo.put([state])
-    explored = {state}
-    while not toDo.empty():
-        path = toDo.get()
-        current = path[-1]
-        if isgoal(current):
-            return path
-        for next_state in successor(current):
-            if next_state not in explored:
-                explored.add(next_state)
-                path2 = path + [next_state]
-                toDo.put(path2)
-    return "Error Path not found"
diff --git a/Depth-First Search/Depth_first.py b/Depth-First Search/Depth_first.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/A-Star/A_Star.py b/Search_Algorithms/A_Star.py
similarity index 100%
rename from A-Star/A_Star.py
rename to Search_Algorithms/A_Star.py
diff --git a/Search_Algorithms/Search_Algorithms.py b/Search_Algorithms/Search_Algorithms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbeae1269566e24da40aa315faaac46404bc8e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Search_Algorithms/Search_Algorithms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import queue
+from collections import deque
+def BreadthFirstSearch(state, successor, isgoal):
+    """accepts start state, Please do not change this function"""
+    toDo = queue.Queue()
+    toDo.put([state])
+    explored = {state}
+    while not toDo.empty():
+        path = toDo.get()
+        current = path[-1]
+        if isgoal(current):
+            return path
+        for next_state in successor(current):
+            if next_state not in explored:
+                explored.add(next_state)
+                path2 = path + [next_state]
+                toDo.put(path2)
+    return "Error Path not found"
+def DepthFirstSearch(state, successor, isgoal):
+    """accepts start state, Please do not change this function"""
+    toDo = deque()
+    toDo.append([state])
+    explored = {state}
+    while not toDo:
+        path = toDo.pop()
+        current = path[-1]
+        if isgoal(current):
+            return path
+        for next_state in successor(current):
+            if next_state not in explored:
+                explored.add(next_state)
+                path2 = path + [next_state]
+                toDo.append(path2)
+    return "Error Path not found"
diff --git a/Breath-First Search/Sucessors.py b/Search_Algorithms/Sucessors.py
similarity index 100%
rename from Breath-First Search/Sucessors.py
rename to Search_Algorithms/Sucessors.py
diff --git a/Breath-First Search/is_goal.py b/Search_Algorithms/is_goal.py
similarity index 100%
rename from Breath-First Search/is_goal.py
rename to Search_Algorithms/is_goal.py
diff --git a/Breath-First Search/solution testing.py b/Search_Algorithms/solution testing.py
similarity index 98%
rename from Breath-First Search/solution testing.py
rename to Search_Algorithms/solution testing.py
index 971dced11355d6d9ff470435a8f18f186486429c..669fa3d2261be95ce55cd5ce01f574328a505fe2 100644
--- a/Breath-First Search/solution testing.py	
+++ b/Search_Algorithms/solution testing.py	
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import breadth_first_search
+import Search_Algorithms
 import Sucessors
 import is_goal