# 2.0.8 - Fixed bug on location-based while added places via HTML - Added example of location-based using only HTML - Added loader during the time between gps-camera initialization and gps-entity-place add # 2.0.5 - Fixed a bug on location-based statically add of places via script # 2.0.4 - Fixed motion and orientation sensors permission for iOS 13+ devices # 2.0.1 - Fixed location-based files build - Removed unuseful imports on location-based examples # 2.0.0 - Introduced Location Based Augmented Reality adding new `aframe` custom components (`gps-entity-place`, `gps-camera`, `gps-camera-debug`) - Added new and updated documentation - Added examples for Location Based AR - Reduced repository size deleting unuseful code # 1.7.8 (Release drafted for problems with the release flow. No change from previous version) # 1.7.7 - added event when camera video stream has been appended to the DOM tree (`arjs-video-loaded`) # 1.7.5 - added events for camera initialization success/error (`camera-init`, `camera-error`) - enhanced Debug UI style - minor documentation fixes # 1.7.2 - updated `three.js` dependency to `r103` version - minor documentation fixes - replace all rawgit URLs (learn more at https://rawgit.com/) # 1.7.1 - added possibility to change border marker color in marker generator # 1.7.0 - optionally manage smooth parameter (for video entity glitches and similar problems) - generate .patt files keeping uploaded image name - enhanced marker generator - reduce build size # 1.6.3-dev - added a ```npm run build``` script for travis # 1.6.2 - Adds TravisCI config with NPM deployment configured - thanks @joestrong - [#344](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/pull/344) # 1.6.1 ## aframe-ar.js - aframe-ar.js - `<a-marker>` elements will emit `markerFound` and `markerLost` events - thanks @nikolaymihaylov! Pull Request [#303](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/pull/303) ## Demos - Created [an example](https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/aframe/examples/marker-events.html) that demonstrates emitting events when markers are found and lost, and registering the respective event listeners. # 1.6.0 - implemented patternRatio in aframe/three.js - a way to reduce the ugly black border - aka something to make the pattern marker border thinner - change (generator.html)[https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/marker-training/examples/generator.html] to support patternRatio - added examples in [aframe](https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/aframe/examples/default-thinner-border.html) and [three.js](https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/default-thinner-border.html) # 1.5.5 - Fix cross domain issue with [https://webxr.io/augmented-website/](https://webxr.io/augmented-website/) - reduced npm package size from 250mbyte to 3.5mbyte #256 (thanks @paztis) - fixed perspective in artoolkit portrait #212 (thanks @pikilipita) - fixed barcode in a-frame #260 (thanks @basbase) - created [portableAR.js](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/dev/three.js/contribs/portableAR.js) - a simple way to port ar.js to a non-three.js framework - it is in /three.js/contribs/portableAR.js - in [examples/](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/dev/three.js/contribs/portableAR.js/examples/babylon.js) you can find babylon.js using portableAR.js - made webvr-polyfill obsolete - it was more a toy than something currently useful - it was far from complete, not even in a workable state, anyway - reorganized ```examples/``` folder - created ```demos/``` to contain working demos - created ```experiments/``` to contain work in progress ## Tests - Made tests to report failure - yeah i know it is silly but before it reported - Added test to measure performance : fps - Added test for markers-area learning and usage - Added test for artoolkit, aruco and hit-testing --- # 1.5.1 ## aframe-ar.js - aframe-ar.js - added link into [https://webxr.io/augmented-website/](https://webxr.io/augmented-website/) - aframe-ar.js - change debugUIEnabled default from false to true. - FIX: in aframe-ar.js object3d stayed visible when marker goes out of screen ## babylon-ar.js - AR.js now work with babylon.js [source](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/master/babylon.js) - It is early but it is working! ## Demos - drafting a demo for 3d.io - [tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/895258272361480193) - [source](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/master/aframe/examples/demo-3dio/) - Magic door bridging AR and VR [tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/893217730517749760) - nice reuseable components available - made demos to celebrate firefox 55 - [post](https://medium.com/arjs/demos-for-firefox-55-release-with-webvr-fb854bb9bb70) - [source](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/master/aframe/examples/demo-firefox-release/) - made demo for mapbox - [tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/895018409922093058) - [source](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/tree/master/aframe/examples/demo-mapbox/) - vr-camera-controls - or how to walk in VR with AR.js - [tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/894580746026758144) --- # 1.4.10 - support for markers-area - Efficient user friendly area scanning - More Versatile than single marker tracking 0 larger areas than single markers - More Robust than single marker tracking - even if only one sub marker is visible it is still tracking - More Stable than single marker tracking - position is averaged based on visible markers - Support for multiple tracking - single api for all tracking - tango support - support for aruco WIP - all included but need to fix pose estimation --- # 1.3.0 **Totally incomplete** - added smoothedControls - everything tunable via parameters - it applies LERP for position/quaternion/scale on sub-controls - if display controls object3d when sub-controls has been visible for minVisibleDelay - if display controls object3d when sub-controls has been unvisible for minUnvisibleDelay - did THREEx.ArMarkerHelper to help visualize marker - AR-Code generator - see [AR-Code Generator](https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/three.js/examples/arcode.html) - liquid markers are in! [water tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/844681159112036356) - [boing tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/845646514814947328) - marker invisible cloak are in! with tweening and all :) [first tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/840563600091688962) - [video tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/843757199436472320) - minimal.html just got a little bit cleaner - aka the simplest way to do AR on the web - or webar in less than 10 lines of html! on codepen - finished hole-in-the-wall demo - [duck on my desk tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/846751371185541121) - support preset in a-frame a-marker - preset = ["hiro" | "kanji"] - experiementation in dead-reckoning ... not conclusive - early work about videoInWebgl - a important componant of phone-in-hmd usecase [first tweet](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/846805050118864897) - better handling of .baseUrl in aframe default parameters - fixed artoolkit projection matrix to be more webgl - [projection matrix](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/WebGL_model_view_projection) - it was looking to positive-z and y was upside down compared to the usual webgl one - Change marker axis - now positive-y is normal to the marker - Added logo by @tentone - [AR.js logo](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/blob/master/data/logo/logo-black-transparent-1280x512.png) Nice and slick! thanks @tentone - Added a-frame logo in AR - [aframe-logo.html](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/blob/master/aframe/examples/aframe-logo.html) - added a profile discovery. It helps choose the performance tradeoff which fit your case - [profile](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/blob/master/three.js/examples/profile.html) --- # 1.0.0 - AR.js has landed - Fixed the resize issue in a-frame! - Performance improvement of image copy time by 40%!!! - massive improvement in the pose detection time - so maxDetectionRate can go way up - Improved documentations --- # 0.9.0 - Initial Release I worked a lot on WebAR. But i recently reached [60fps on mobile phones](https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/831333879810236421). so i think WebAR is now ready to be released :) I will keep the usual branch model - stable release on master branch - current release on dev branch - features in progress on their own branch