import logging import random import re from collections import namedtuple # Fix Python2/Python3 incompatibility try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Key: def __init__(self, word, weight, decomps): self.word = word self.weight = weight self.decomps = decomps class Decomp: def __init__(self, parts, save, reasmbs): = parts = save self.reasmbs = reasmbs self.next_reasmb_index = 0 class Eliza: def __init__(self): self.initials = [] self.finals = [] self.quits = [] self.pres = {} self.posts = {} self.synons = {} self.keys = {} self.memory = [] def load(self, path): key = None decomp = None with open(path) as file: for line in file: if not line.strip(): continue tag, content = [part.strip() for part in line.split(':')] if tag == 'initial': self.initials.append(content) elif tag == 'final': self.finals.append(content) elif tag == 'quit': self.quits.append(content) elif tag == 'pre': parts = content.split(' ') self.pres[parts[0]] = parts[1:] elif tag == 'post': parts = content.split(' ') self.posts[parts[0]] = parts[1:] elif tag == 'synon': parts = content.split(' ') self.synons[parts[0]] = parts elif tag == 'key': parts = content.split(' ') word = parts[0] weight = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) > 1 else 1 key = Key(word, weight, []) self.keys[word] = key elif tag == 'decomp': parts = content.split(' ') save = False if parts[0] == '$': save = True parts = parts[1:] decomp = Decomp(parts, save, []) key.decomps.append(decomp) elif tag == 'reasmb': parts = content.split(' ') decomp.reasmbs.append(parts) def _match_decomp_r(self, parts, words, results): if not parts and not words: return True if not parts or (not words and parts != ['*']): return False if parts[0] == '*': for index in range(len(words), -1, -1): results.append(words[:index]) if self._match_decomp_r(parts[1:], words[index:], results): return True results.pop() return False elif parts[0].startswith('@'): root = parts[0][1:] if not root in self.synons: raise ValueError("Unknown synonym root {}".format(root)) if not words[0].lower() in self.synons[root]: return False results.append([words[0]]) return self._match_decomp_r(parts[1:], words[1:], results) elif parts[0].lower() != words[0].lower(): return False else: return self._match_decomp_r(parts[1:], words[1:], results) def _match_decomp(self, parts, words): results = [] if self._match_decomp_r(parts, words, results): return results return None def _next_reasmb(self, decomp): index = decomp.next_reasmb_index result = decomp.reasmbs[index % len(decomp.reasmbs)] decomp.next_reasmb_index = index + 1 return result def _reassemble(self, reasmb, results): output = [] for reword in reasmb: if not reword: continue if reword[0] == '(' and reword[-1] == ')': index = int(reword[1:-1]) if index < 1 or index > len(results): raise ValueError("Invalid result index {}".format(index)) insert = results[index - 1] for punct in [',', '.', ';']: if punct in insert: insert = insert[:insert.index(punct)] output.extend(insert) else: output.append(reword) return output def _sub(self, words, sub): output = [] for word in words: word_lower = word.lower() if word_lower in sub: output.extend(sub[word_lower]) else: output.append(word) return output def _match_key(self, words, key): for decomp in key.decomps: results = self._match_decomp(, words) if results is None: log.debug('Decomp did not match: %s', continue log.debug('Decomp matched: %s', log.debug('Decomp results: %s', results) results = [self._sub(words, self.posts) for words in results] log.debug('Decomp results after posts: %s', results) reasmb = self._next_reasmb(decomp) log.debug('Using reassembly: %s', reasmb) if reasmb[0] == 'goto': goto_key = reasmb[1] if not goto_key in self.keys: raise ValueError("Invalid goto key {}".format(goto_key)) log.debug('Goto key: %s', goto_key) return self._match_key(words, self.keys[goto_key]) output = self._reassemble(reasmb, results) if self.memory.append(output) log.debug('Saved to memory: %s', output) continue return output return None def respond(self, text): if text.lower() in self.quits: return None text = re.sub(r'\s*\.+\s*', ' . ', text) text = re.sub(r'\s*,+\s*', ' , ', text) text = re.sub(r'\s*;+\s*', ' ; ', text) log.debug('After punctuation cleanup: %s', text) words = [w for w in text.split(' ') if w] log.debug('Input: %s', words) words = self._sub(words, self.pres) log.debug('After pre-substitution: %s', words) keys = [self.keys[w.lower()] for w in words if w.lower() in self.keys] keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda k: -k.weight) log.debug('Sorted keys: %s', [(k.word, k.weight) for k in keys]) output = None for key in keys: output = self._match_key(words, key) if output: log.debug('Output from key: %s', output) break if not output: if self.memory: index = random.randrange(len(self.memory)) output = self.memory.pop(index) log.debug('Output from memory: %s', output) else: output = self._next_reasmb(self.keys['xnone'].decomps[0]) log.debug('Output from xnone: %s', output) return " ".join(output) def initial(self): return random.choice(self.initials) def final(self): return random.choice(self.finals) def run(self): print(self.initial()) while True: sent = input('> ') output = self.respond(sent) if output is None: break print(output) print( def main(): eliza = Eliza() eliza.load('doctor.txt') hystericeliza = HystericEliza(eliza) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig() main()