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Conflicts and branching in Git. Hand-in for exercise 02
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It is the second exercise of the advanced programming languages course
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Virtuelle Maschine mit Debian und PXE mit DHCP und TFTP Server und einer weiteren Virtuellen Maschine als Client. Der PXE Server bietet vier verschiedene Images dem Client als Betriebssystem an.
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This is the exercise of the Advanced Programming Technique subject. It contains Django-related exercises in the web_framework folder.
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Programming exercises for the advanced programming techniques course
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Unterlagen zur Vorlesung Programmieren 1. Bitte beachten Sie, dass sie Projekte teilweise selber anlegen müssen.
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Toy programming language for the compiler construction course. Original code is taken from the tutorial by L. Segal at http://gnuu.org/2009/09/18/writing-your-own-toy-compiler. Original code at github: https://github.com/lsegal/my_toy_compiler.
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TCF-PUBLIC / InformAtRisk_App
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