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v0.26.0 - Sun, 04 Oct 2015 21:21:23 GMT

- [b7853bb](../../commit/b7853bb) [fixed] Dropdown focus behavior on click
- [dbb0385](../../commit/dbb0385) [added] #1320 allow NavItem class to be set
- [3d13dda](../../commit/3d13dda) [fixed] #1287 ListGroupItem with onClick and header properly displays header
- [3f5c6e3](../../commit/3f5c6e3) [added] #1181 ListGroup supports componentClass prop
- [b5a9f3a](../../commit/b5a9f3a)     [added] NavBrand Component
- [ac37698](../../commit/ac37698) [added] 'Responsive embed' component
- [1c2d054](../../commit/1c2d054) [fixed] Set the disabled css class so that the text is greyed out.
- [0348274](../../commit/0348274) [fixed] Breadcrumb and BreadcrumbItem components
- [3c710f9](../../commit/3c710f9) [added] Breadcrumb component
- [99d333f](../../commit/99d333f) [changed] use `lodash-compat` for IE8 compatibility and `lodash` for dev
- [ce564cb](../../commit/ce564cb) [fixed] any props not known by DropdownMenu are passed through to the underlying ul
- [674d67e](../../commit/674d67e) [added] images component
- [deee09d](../../commit/deee09d) [fixed] stop rendering extra attributes on Progress bar dom nodes
- [02f1fec](../../commit/02f1fec) [fixed] allow null activeKey (empty) selection
- [656f40d](../../commit/656f40d) [changed] 'id' prop-type made uniform throughout the project
- [b9a4477](../../commit/b9a4477) [changed] use 'react-prop-types' instead of 'utils/CustomPropTypes'